Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dangers of Letting Strangers in Your Home...

I debated on writing this post because, to be quite honest, I'm still a bit shaken up by it. BUT in the end, I decided if I can help ANYONE of you or anyone you know, it would be worth it. I know it's a long post and I'm sorry, but I'm sure it might be an eye opener to some of you.

Here's the story...

We're moving, you all know that, hence the lack of posts, so we've been cleaning out stuff and selling things we don't need or use anymore. We have this video gaming chair that had been on KSL for a while so when I got a text yesterday morning about it I was stoked. The guy wanted to come get it and said he'd be here between 1 and 2. My husband left for the morning to get Taya (our 3 year old) out of the house- she's been a little stir crazy with all the packing going on- so he was gone, leaving me home with just Dodger (our 15 month old). I jumped in the shower and when I had gotten out I had a text from the guy that read, "hear". Yes, it was spelled wrong :).... That's besides the point, but anyway I text him back saying I was upstairs and asked if he was still here. He said he went to grab lunch and he'd be right back. Oh, and by the way, this was only 11:00 so I was a little bugged that he came 2 hours early and honestly, didn't like that Cam wasn't home. Anyway, 10 minutes later he was "hear" again and knocked on the door. I had the gaming chair right in our entryway so the guy could just take a quick look and leave. He showed up with a friend and they both came in, looked at it for a minute and paid me for it. The one guy who was buying it from me was super nice, shorter, dark hair and looked like a descent person. The other one was pretty tall, dark hair and didn't say much. So, the shorter one starts asking me about our house, how much we're selling it for, where we're moving, yadda yadda yadda... He tells me where he's from, then he asks if our house has a basement. I'm holding Dodger and just so ready for them to leave by then. As the guy is talking to me I look up to see the friend checking out our front door. It's a pretty cool door, I'm not gonna lie. It's kind of a castle looking door with a window in it. So he's looking at it and all of the sudden starts touching the lock, then reaches his hand up higher to where the latch is. He mentions how neat the door is while the other guy keeps talking to me (at this point I feel like it's more of a distraction). I look back up and see the guy trying to latch the door. He tried again and my heart sank. Ya know that feeling when your throat drops into your stomach?  I reached in my pocket to find my phone to dial 911 and it wasn't there. My first thought was 'what are they gonna do to me?' Then I start thinking about the other guy asking if we had a basement, and remember the taller one has the chair cord in his hands. I was trying to keep my cool, trying to figure out what to do, and notice the guy can't latch the lock. At this point I'm praising the heavens our latch can only be locked by pushing the door in tight. Honestly, I completely froze. It's all a blur what really happened after that, but they left, I bolted the door, turned on our alarm, started crying and called my husband. P.S. I'm literally shaking as I write this, that's how much it terrified me. 

So here's why I'm writing this post... I'm usually a pretty cautious person. I never leave my kids outside alone, never let my kids out of my sight in public places, USUALLY don't let strangers in my house when my husband isn't home ;), etc. BUT yesterday I was thrown off guard. The guy arrived 2 hours earlier than I expected and so I was put in a COMPLETELY VULNERABLE position. The chair had been on KSL for so long I just wanted it gone, which honestly was my biggest mistake. I was too afraid to lose the sale by telling the guy he couldn't come yet so I thought it would be fine. Plus I worry about stuff a lot so pretty much I told myself to just relax. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I cannot stress enough what a CRAZY, DANGEROUS world we live in. You cannot for ONE SECOND be naive enough to think that bad things will never happen to you or your family. I know that nothing ended up happening to me, but honestly I can't help but think my Heavenly Father was in my favor yesterday. I keep replaying the day and thinking how many things I could have done differently, so for anyone of you that sell things on KSL, Craigslist, etc. please please please do not let anyone in your home while you're alone. And better yet, meet the person in a public place for the exchange if at all possible. My husband made a good point yesterday, no amount of money is worth your life

This experience has definitely made me more aware of my surroundings. I always think of things like this happening in the movies--- the music gets creepy, the lighting goes darker...--- but seriously, this was just an ordinary day, sunny outside, blinds open., 11:00 in the morning. And again, I know nothing happened, but it was definitely enough to scare me into being more cautious from here on out. 

So yes, I know this is a random blog that doesn't fit into any kind of crafting category, but I cannot stress enough how careful we need to be. Please be safe. Please keep your kids safe. I've been pretty hard on myself for this one! I've never wanted to be that person that was too naive to think it was ok to leave their kids in the car "for just a second" or to let them outside without being watched. But, let your guard down for a second and bad things CAN happen. So learn a lesson from my experience (and thank goodness the experience didn't end up being more traumatic!)  and be more cautious. Don't let this kind of thing happen to you. Be smart. Be safe.

Also, Mom, I know you're going to read this. Don't cry. And don't kill me. I'm fine. I love you. :)

post by: Ashley


  1. This post reminds me to be more careful as well. We do a lot of KSLing and we over the last few months have made an effort to not meet people at our house anymore just because we feel like there have been too many scary things happening out there! I am so glad that nothing bad ended up happening but I can not believe that some one was trying to lock your door from the inside at your house, it makes my heart drop! Great reminder!

  2. Oh my heck, Ash. That is such a freaky story! It is so true that we let our guards down and just feel like we live here in "happy valley" where nothing like that can happen. I am SO GLAD nothing did happen.

  3. Wow!! I have been selling a ton of stuff lately or trying! So glad you wrote about that. I'm too trusting!! I'm so going to miss you!!!!!

    1. You aren't alone. The nation's open homicide case files are filled with the names of trusting people. As are the cemeteries.

  4. wow, that is freaky! I'm glad nothing terrible happened - thanks for posting this! I am sometimes too nice and trusting, when I just need to be more on my guard. Glad you're safe!!

  5. Oh Ashley, I'm so sorry that happened to you and I'm so glad you are ok. You are helping a lot of people by posting that. Made me realize how much more safe I need to be. Love you. Dori

  6. So glad you are ok! That is so scary and yes there are def creepy people in the world. Seriously glad nothing happened.

  7. Wives, please please please listen to your husbands when we hound you over and over to avoid this situation! Im so glad that Ash is ok, when she called me crying, my initial reaction was rage, obviously. I even took ashley's phone last night without her knowing and I grabbed the guys phone number so I could go make myself feel better by beating him senseless!! I calmed down, (lucky for the two guys) and just thought of how grateful I was that everything ended up ok. It broke my heart when I heard the the absolute fear through the phone! I have told Ashley countless times to never ever ever let anyone in our home if I am not there, not even a church leader! like I told Ashley, its not worth fifty bucks to have something horrible happen. DONT WORRY ABOUT BEING RUDE GIRLS!! Its a nasty world and every single one of you has a story about a friend or an acquaintance that made that one mistake (running alone, answering the door alone, trusting a "close friend" with your child etc etc) I will shut up now, I just hope that all you wonderful wonderful women that mean SO SO MUCH to us will think twice next time you are faced with a situation similar to Ashley's. Spread the word everyone! Honey, I am so proud of you for writing this!!I love you!!

  8. Ashley- First I am so relieved that you are ok.. Like Cam, my reaction is RAGE! Cam, did you call that number? You should turn it into the police! I love you guys more than words can express and would be devastated if anything happened to you! Please be careful in AZ! We will miss you sooo much! Tiff

  9. Ashley, that is SO scary. I am so glad that nothing happened and that you are ok. Thank you for posting this!

  10. It is hard when you are caught off guard and don't have time to think. I've had a Provo city employee show up out of the blue and say he "just needed to come in for a minute to check something in my house." With selling things, if Bryce isn't home I frequently put the item in the driveway and tell the person that if they like it they can leave the money in the mailbox. I figure if they want to be dishonest and steal the item they can, but at least they won't be in my house! What car were these guys driving? I saw some guys at your house, but thought they must be helping you move. I'll watch for it!

  11. glad you are okay! This made me sick as I was reading. Before I knew how it ended, I kept thinking, "please be okay...please be okay..." I love you! Hope everything is going well. --Emma McInelly

  12. The blood drained from my body when I read your post, how scary was that... I am very happy you are okay and I think you were courageous to share that post for others to learn through you. It is scary out there and for the most part you can trust people but there is always that one time that changes your life for ever.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. I am new to your blog and have been reading your posts so I just stumbled upon this one. As your husband said: it's a nasty world and we should not be afraid to be "rude" and assert ourselves. BTW, he sounds wonderful! Just a couple of months ago, I offered a bookcase on Freecycle and a guy responded to my offer. Yes, it was still in my house when he came. He was very nice but very talkative. And even tho my adult son was with me, I was antsy to get him out of my home. I did not like the fact that he would not leave. I finally told him I had an appointment and had to leave. Just yesterday I made my first sale on Craiglist, so I made sure to take the dresser to my garage so the buyer would not need to come into my house, even tho my husband and adult son were home. I know there are many wonderful persons and not everyone is out to get us - but we do need to learn to be careful.


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