Saturday, February 11, 2012

Adorable Grandma & Grandpa Gift

A while back I found this idea on Pinterest and loved. loved. loved it! My Dad is a HUGE crossword/scrabble lover so I thought this would be super cute as a Christmas present from my kids. Jourdan was kind enough to come over and snap this shot in about 5 minutes (thank goodness). Taya wasn't too thrilled about being that close to her brother :) . I wanted a picture with "Grandma and Grandpa" and "Nana and Papa" so my sister used Photoshop to make that happen also (thanks Jen!). I loved how it turned out, and I think everyone was thrilled with the gift as well.

 Posted by Ashley

1 comment:

  1. As the Nana recipient, best gift ever! We love this picture and we love those kids :) Thanks Ashley, as always you are SO clever!


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