Thursday, March 29, 2012

Are you a juicer?

Juicing is not just for the health obsessed or Jack Lalanne.
Juicing fasts are a great way to detox, allowing your body time to recoup and revamp from all the crap it is made to process day, after day, after day.  Before jumping in the pool, it's nice to test the water first.  I would not recommend starting a juice fast without executing a trial period first.  Try a couple of low key juices and see how you like them.  Try to incorporate a juice in the morning, if you start your day out fresh with a clean juice, you will be more likely to continue to make healthy choices throughout the day.

For Beginner Juicers: 
carrot/ pineapple /orange (this tastes like V8 Splash Tropical Blend but fresher)
blackberries/ strawberries/ green grapes
celery/ cucumber/ spinach
*carrot, I've found, goes with anything
*add enough water/ almond milk/ coconut oil to create a soupy consistency, thin enough to strain.  My sis hooked me up with a nut milk bag ($7.50 on Amazon), it's a lot cheaper than buying an actual juicer.

For the Adventurous Juicers:
deep leafy greens like spinach or kale (if you are really daring) & an apple or lemon
beat/ cucumber/ grapefruit
beat/ carrot/ apple/ ginger
pear/ arugula/ nettles/ mint
*I use celery A LOT because it provides a nice balance for the more dominant greens like romaine.
*spinach is the black hand bag of the vegetable world, it literally tastes good with everything  

A Little Bit of Juicing Trivia:
Cucumber - cleanses the kidneys
Celery - helps with weight loss
Berries - antioxidants, prevent cell damage of eyes
Coconut butter /oil - promotes healthy skin and hair
Ginger - improves digestion
Mint - cleansing agent, cools the palette and stimulates the senses
Lemon/ Lime - Vitamin C, cuts sweet as well as bitter flavors

Of course you should research what you think might work for you. But this is what works for me and I have found that my skin clears up and my mind is more agile when I juice at least once a day.  Some times it's just easier for me to stick a few greens in the blender and down a juice rather than making sure I'm eating the correct servings of fruits and vegetables.

Thanks for surfing!


  1. I'm a wannabe juicer...nice post!

  2. How do you use a nut milk bag? Fabulous info; thanks.

  3. P.S. You should teach a juicing class for an RS activity :)

    1. Poor the blenderized vegies and fruits into the bag. Hold the bag over a bowel and SQEEZE. The fabric of the nut milk bag is a very fine mesh that will allow the juices from the veggies and fruits through, but not the fibrous portion. Which stinks when trying to increase your ROUGHAGE. And with some juices you probably won't want to strain because they taste good without. But some can be really hard to swallow with all that extra thickness in your drink.

  4. Great post. I love my green smoothies and you have some great ideas here that I will definitely try. Thanks.

  5. its really great information and also health conscious


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