Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Winner: $50 Sephora Gift Card

Congratulations Kenzie Bradford!
You have won the $50 gift card to Sephora.
Email us at with your address
so we can send your prize and 
you can start scooping up those fabulous products.
A big thanks to all who entered.

LYB is a start up blog with big dreams.
We want to provide our readers with gifts they are eager to win and projects they are dying to see.
If you have any ideas or comments on how to accomplish this, drop us a line, email us and tell us what prizes would add a little pep to your step.
Maybe there is a project in your home you are thinking about undertaking, write us and tell us what it is. We will get to work on your personal household to do list.  We want to share our resources with you, so if you need a few drywall tips, have an electrical dilemma or maybe an installation mishap, tell us what you need to know and we will provide the how to.

Thank you again for all the support.

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