Friday, February 24, 2012

How to Make a Rusty Ol' Sign

 When we moved into our old house a few years ago there was a little pile of wood left behind in the garage that I decided to keep for who knows what or when... and five years later I decided to do something with it! :) Hopefully that doesn't put too much pressure on the actual project, but I'm happy with how it turned out! So if you ever come across old, nasty wood... KEEP IT! Even if it takes you five years to do something with it! The older the better, I say :) 

Items Needed:

measuring tape
carbon paper/graphite paper
acrylic paint (or any kind of craft paint)
stain/sand paper (optional)

How To:
1. This wood I used was SUPER uneven and by no means perfect, but I think it actually adds to the awesomeness of it, so...  Turn pieces of wood face down, arrange them how you want them, and place two smaller pieces of wood vertically on top of the boards around the center and nail into each board. Does that make any sense at all? You should have two boards vertically nailed into all your boards laying horizontally when you're finished. (Sorry I don't have a picture of this!) *Tip: Make sure you use small nails so you don't split the wood. ESPECIALLY if the wood is super delicate like mine was.
 2. Um... wipe off the cobwebs for goodness sakes...

3. Print off your lettering on your computer however big you want it to be. And no, this is not spelled wrong, this is my last name :) ... Align it how you want it, making sure it's even with your measuring tape and tape it to the wood...
 4. This is graphite paper, you can use carbon paper also. If you're transferring onto dark wood, use white paper, light wood, use gray or black. I bought this at Hobby Lobby, but you can get it at any office supply store...
 5. Place your graphite paper behind your letters. Using your pen, trace the letters firmly so the graphite paper will transfer onto the wood...
 It's a very thin line, but this is what is should look like...
 6. Using your paint, trace the lines until the letters are filled in...
7. Apparently I deleted the pictures of this, but when my sign dried I sanded over the top of the lettering a tiny bit, then ran over the letters with a tiny bit of stain just to give it a darker look. If you want the lettering more faded than that, just sand it down more.

It's currently right by the front door in my house. Haven't decided if that's where it will stay or not, but for now it's here...

*Side Note: Thank you for your patience while Jourdan and I get this site going! We're super excited about it and have lots of things planned for the future, so FOLLOW US to keep up on the latest and greatest of us and our crazy lives!


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