Thursday, February 2, 2012


Picked up a table at Goodwill for 20 DOLLAS.
 Made Z a kids' table.
Added some CHALKBOARD paint to the top...
which, I have yet to clue her in on.
Only because once I do, I'm not sure how far she will go with this new
"we can draw on the table phenomena"

Unfortunately I didn't take any "how to" photos.... next time I will.  
Basically it involved ALOT of painter's tape and ALOT of touching up, plus a HEAVY protective coat for this baby.  Once I figure out an easier method of painting stripes, I'll fill you in.  The orange zebra stripes were FREE hand though, in case you couldn't tell... which is doubtful.

1. milk paint, skinny and wide blue tape, a little latex paint, chalkboard paint.... ummmm.... just email me for tips, I just kinda winged this one.
2. Footstool: "I GOT IT AT ROSS..."
$15? $20 maybe, I can't remember

OH AND... 
the MAN a.k.a Jake the carpenter, helped me chop the legs and add some prefabricated feet.

 by Jourdan a.k.a Lavern

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