Saturday, April 28, 2012

Old AND REAL Busted Chair

In exactly 7 days Ashley and I will be attending our first show in which we will be one of the participating vendors.
I'm so nervous.
Will they like us? Will we fit in?
I feel like it's the first day of school and I am freaking out about where I'm going to sit at lunch.
More importantly than who I'm going to sit by is, 
"Will I have anything good in my lunch pail to barter with?"
We will see.
Ashley and I have some fun restorations and projects to share throughout the week.
So keep checking back if you are a before and after addict

.This chair had all sorts of issues.  There were literally metal rods holding the legs in place. 
A little love and paint goes along way.
 I used an oil based, black paint as the base coat.
And I will tell you a little secret...  
I used a gray latex over the top, so I was able to apply the paint in areas I thought looked appealing 
and then I wiped off the areas where the paint didn't look quite right on.
This is a big no, no because latex does not stick to oil, so I've been told.
But I put a top polyacrylic coat on the chair and called it good.
As of now I am still in my house safe and sound and no popo's have come knockin at my door.
After the gray latex was dry, I used a soft scotch brite to soften the gray before the poly coat.

Thanks for visiting!

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