Monday, April 23, 2012

Storing Butter Unrefrigerated

Have you ever seen one of these?

I wish I would've known about them waaaayyy sooner, but luckily my sister had one at her house and shared the beautiful knowledge with me.

Have you ever left your butter on the counter? After a few days it gets a little darker in color and starts to taste funny. Guilty! :) But who wants to wait for butter to melt on their toast that's ready to eat NOW. Not me. I prefer not to have to CARVE the butter off the block. And no thank you, spreadable butter.

Solution: Butter Bell

This is how it works:

You fill the pot (left side) about 1/4 inch with cold water and the bowl (right side) with butter. Then put the bowl into the pot. The water seals the butter and allows it to stay fresh for up to 5 days!

If you don't have one of these yet... Get one! They are fantastic and one of my favorite things in my kitchen! Pathetic, I know! :)

They're also VERY reasonably priced. They range anywhere from $10-40. I added an Amazon link if you'd like to check them out. 

I hope you love yours as much as I love mine! :)

Posted by Ashley


  1. Fantastic idea! I grew up on margarine but switched to butter after getting married and tasting the difference (at my in-law's house) -- I could use something like this; I bet it keeps the butter better in the summer when it's too warm in the house to leave it out.

  2. I have 3 of these and L.O.V.E. them!!!

    :)Rachel Berry

  3. I love mine. You can also get them at BB&Beyond only its the shape of the butter cube and it sits in another bowl of water, kind of like a double boiler. Bet idea ever.


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