Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Bye Bye New Years Resolutions

Every year I have a hard time with resolutions... Why make a YEARS worth of a resolution, when, let's be honest, it probably will only last a couple months before the brownies just start to look too good, the gym is just too packed with people and the soda... don't get me started on the soda. It's proven that the first few months of the year are the busiest at the gym, well what about the rest of the months?

Anyway, my point is, I feel like New Years Resolutions are just a recipe for disappointment and pressure. I usually don't end up making one, and maybe I should push myself a little more, but I think it's more of a "try to be a better person" on a day to day basis. Don't give yourself that pressure of an entire year! Everyone has bad days, don't get yourself down on the one... or maybe eight days that brownie gets the best of you! :)

My husband read a great article a few weeks ago with a GENIUS New Years resolution replacement plan. Instead of making an official resolution to be better at something, not eat something, lose that 20lbs you always say you're going to and never do, organize your entire house in 7 days, instead of ALL THAT... learn a new skill for the year

I thought it was a great idea. Every year you have something to look forward to and you have an ENTIRE YEAR to accomplish it. Doesn't matter what it is, just pick a skill you've been wanting to learn and stick to it. It will push you to use your dusty sewing machine, learn how to change a car tire, check your oil, make that perfect soufflé you've been dying to impress the in laws with. And in ten years, you'll have TEN new talents. How cool is that?! No crazy pressure to do something EVERY SINGLE DAY. Just a simple learn SOMETHING, anything, in ONE YEAR!

So, what's your new skill going to be? I'll let you in on mine. I've always wanted to learn how to build things. I'm going to learn how to build furniture, shelves, anything constructed with wood. I want to get more comfortable with my saws and all that good stuff. So there ya go, WOOD WORKING will be my new skill of 2013.

So how does this plan sound to you? No more resolutions. Just get out there and DO something. No more pressure that it's the middle of January and your resolution went down the drain 5 days ago. New year, fresh start. So pick something, something fun, something you've been waiting to try for far too long ... and keep us posted! We want to hear all about your year of skill searching!

Good Luck! 

Good luck! And Happy New Year!


  1. Awesome idea. I replaced New Years Resolutions....or at least I reorganized my statement about them:

    I do not want to lose weight this year.
    I do not want to increase my savings account.
    I do not want to give more to charities I love.

    That way if I break them I've done something good for myself and others. If I keep them....well then at least I'm not worse off. Hahahaha.....enjoy! SUPER POST!

    1. Oh my gosh I am dying! This is awesome! Love it! :)


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