Friday, May 18, 2012

Strawberry Cheesecake Trifle

This is a recipe you need to file away in your cookbook and whip out when it's time to impress.

Often when I am planning big dinners that require more than one dish, I get flustered at the last minute trying to throw it all together, crossing my fingers everything will get done and that all the dishes will taste yummy.  Yes, I have served melted jello, burnt beans, cool whip as a substitute for real whipped cream, oh and cold steak (I would have to say this was the worst).  You know what I am talking about right?  Cooking giant meals and managing a time schedule for preparing these meals, is not a walk in the park!  Please, tell me I am not the only one who has cried after realizing I used salt instead of sugar because I was so panicked that dinner wouldn't be ready until midnight?

Okay maybe I am the only one who cries in their kitchen!
This Strawberry Cheesecake Trifle is the answer.
Can you say, "refrigerate over night?"
Oh yes, this puppy can be made the day before and it tastes just as delectable. So, if all hell breaks loose two hours before the party and your kitchen catches on fire.  Before you bail.  Grab the trifle out of the fridge.  Oh!... and your kid, and eat dessert outside on the curb!

Recipe courtesy of Charlotte's Kitchen...

8 oz cream cheese siftened
1 c powdered sugar
1 c sour cream
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. almond extract
1 pint whipped cream
1 Tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1 angle food cake, cut into 1 inch cubes
2 quarts strawberries, thickly sliced

Follow the instruction on the box to prepare the angle food cake. Cream the cream cheese and powdered sugar well, add sour cream, and almond extract. Whip your cream adding in the vanilla and tablespoon of sugar.  Fold whip cream into cream cheese mixture.  Coat angle food cubes well with the cream cheese mixture sort of buttering each side.  Layer in serving dish starting with a layer of cake then berries, alternating and finishing with berries on top.  Cover and chill for at least an hour. 

My layers were not so perfect, a serving dish with a straight edge would work better.
Like this one.

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