Saturday, September 22, 2012

White Chocolate Brownie Cookies

To all of our LYB lovers, we apologize for the lack of posts as of late.  You see, my Ashley is moving away... to another state.  So no more drive-bys for us asking each other, 
"Would you like some apple pie?"  
"Go see if my house is on FIRE, I left my damn iron on again."
 "I forgot to feed my dogs, would you mind?" 
"How does BBQ sound?"
"I painted my living room orange, start panicking?"
"Im picking you up in 10."
"Would it be okay if we did a little crying tonight and could we watch Beaches while we are at it?"
and of course the ever so powerful... 
"I need a break can the kids come play today."
Yes, it is all over. Neighborhood friends are never quite the same once they are no longer in your neighborhood.  So while Ashley has been busy packing up her home, I have been busy unpacking everything she has packed, we have shamelessly neglected the blogging fun we oh so enjoy.

So here is a quick fix from OUR BEST BITES.

I call them, White Chocolate Brownie Cookies. These cookies taste like a cookie and brownie all-in-one.  They are dense and delicious.  Don't make chocolate chip cookies next time.  Try these babies and make sure you have lots of milk.
I love the OUR BEST BITES cookbook.  It is a fun cookbook with simple, easy, yummy recipes that won't have you pulling out your hair while reading the directions. When I feel like cooking for pleasure (which is not very often), I whip this book out and skim through the pictures for those fast fixes for my very temperamental appetite.
Listed below are the ingredients. For copyrighting purposes I could not post the directions, but I'm sure you'll manage.  Always mix your wet and dry ingredients separately first. Also I substituted butter for shortening, feel free to use shortening if you prefer.

1/2 c butter-flavored shortening
1/2 c butter                         
1 c brown sugar                    
1.5 t vanilla                 
2 eggs
2.5 c flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
6 Tbs. unsweetened cocoa powder
1 c peanut butter chips
1 c white chocolate chips

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  1. Yikes, I am so sorry there is flour in this recipe. Purchase the Our Best Bites Cookbook for complete instructions. Their recipes are free from error, I promise. Don't trust the internet, right?


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