Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bedroom Stool Make Over & How to Remove Mod Podge

I bought this stool from Target a few years ago and painted it for my little boys room. I ended up using Modge Podge and wasn't a huge fan of the end result, but have lived with it all these years anyway. 

Looking at it now I'm not quite sure exactly what I was thinking so long ago. Why did I think this was cute? : / I guess it's one of those "it seemed like a good idea at the time" sort of deals!

This is what it looked like after I bought it and sanded it down. I wanted it black so here was the transformation... 


Anyway, my baby isn't so much a baby anymore so it's about time to update his room! It's so expensive to redecorate so in the whole process I'll mostly be painting old things and making whatever I can. He's 3, I'm pretty sure he doesn't care what his room looks like! Give him a car and a sucker and he's happy!   

I found new bedding at IKEA for super cheap and will be using the colors in his bedspread to complete the room. This stool was the first thing to go!

I had the paint from a previous project (HERE), diluted it a little with some white paint to get the color I wanted and brushed on a few coats. When it was dry, I sanded the edges and used stencils I purchased from Walmart a long time ago and paint from another previous project, so the whole thing ended up being free. That's the best part about never sorting through your craft room... you have all sorts of fun goodies in there you haven't seen for years! :)

I was a little worried as I started to remove the Mod Podge. Wasn't quite sure how to do it, researched it a little and came up with n.o.t.h.i.n.g. So I turned to my trusty friend, paint stripper. Worked like a charm! Coated it about 3 times and it completely removed everything. 

So here is the stool for now. I'll show before and after pictures of Dodger's bedroom when it's complete. And yes, his name is Dodger. And no, we're not Dodger fans :) ! 

Hope you like it! It's much fresher and will add a little accent of color to his room! I can't wait to put up his grey curtains! Actually, I can't wait to buy his grey curtains. Dang budgeting. :)


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