Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Club Chairs

This next project although successful, I think... is not truly in keeping with my personal design fancy.
I wanted to share it with you anyways because I think that it is important to design outside your comfort zone every once in a while, which is what I did when revamping a scary pair of dated club chairs.

You may already be aware but several weeks ago Ashley entered LYB into a contest called "Designing With the Stars".  We were chosen to compete in a DIY contest in which we had to complete a project within a week.  The project was then submitted and readers voted for their favorite projects.  Ashley and I realized we had reached a point of no return. We were in and we had to deliver.
Can I just say, I do not work well under pressure. I get all sorts of crazy and every word that comes out of my mouth truly sounds like a bark.  My family completely stops trying to understand me and we switch to a sort charades as a form of communication.  I yell, “bark, bark, bark” , as my arms flail about and people scurry past me with their heads hung low and their arms across their chest.  I don’t know if this is to protect themselves from any physical abuse they might receive while passing my way or if they are simply praying for the possibility that I didn't even notice them. Either way I become a monster no one wants to see.

Where was I going with this? Oh yes, because Ashley and I were literally shocked we were selected  I was panicking hoping I would be able to finish any project, let alone a good one.  I could literally feel the zits popping out the second Ashley called and told me we were in!

Short story, long, this set of club chairs was our submission for the contest (click this link to few the other entries).

Although I am not posting a tutorial for this particular project, I did want to share a few details about the products I used to complete the task.

1. I used upholstery spray paint to turn the brown faux-leather to black.  Did you know you could paint upholstery?  You can purchase this type of paint at a specialty store that stocks auto paint.

2. I used metal coating to refinish the wooden legs of these chairs.   This is a product produced by Sculpt Nouveau and you will definitely be hearing more about this product from me.  I am sure to use it in future projects, it is such a versatile product with endless finishing options.

Although this project did not make the cut for the competition in which we designed it for.  It was a good experience and I am grateful for all those who supported us during the competition.  One supporter in particular is the maker of this sculpture, Susan Church, a stunningly, talented artist who is an extraordinary example of how life is meant to be lived... with an open mind and true heart.  Her talents never cease to amaze me.

Lastly, it's time for a little...
"Sad But True"
Working next to a pile of manure because you don't have a little yellow shop to work in... sad but true.
 Building a pretend room in your backyard because you don't have a barn to stage... sad but true.

Using up all your duck tape to get the dog hair off of the $12 chairs you thought were a steal, only to then realize you are not any smarter than the "FOR SALE" sign... sad but true.


  1. I loved how those chairs came out (and I voted for them!)- glad I found your blog through the contest!

  2. I think they turned out great! I love the nailheads. If I had a rec room, I'd put them there in a heartbeat.


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