Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How to Buy a Flat Iron

I've been doing hair for almost 10 years now (yikes, that makes me sound so old!) and still get asked so many questions about flat irons. This post was inspired because my CHI just died on me :( so I had to buy another one this week... that will be sent back, by the way :( The cons of ordering online!

 As a licensed professional you'd think I'd get them really cheap, but no, I've found the cheapest places are Ebay and Amazon. HOWEVER, the only problem with buying them online is you can't see what it looks like before you buy it. YES, they're all different, and YES it makes a huge difference. Let me explain...

Both of these are CHI flat irons...

Do you notice the difference? Besides one is totally faded and old :) .

Look at the plates. One fits together perfectly and the other fits only at the end. This is the biggest problem with flat irons, in my opinion. I absolutely HATE when the plates don't perfectly align. It makes for pulling your hair and leaving you with uneven straightened hair.

So the next time your purchase a flat iron, make sure the plates perfectly align. 

A few other pointers (again, in my opinion)
*I like the smaller irons, 1 inch are my favorite. They are better at getting in the tighter areas - around ears, hairline, and right up against your scalp, etc.
* Some hair dressers advise against irons without heat control, however, I think it's all relative- the lesser the heat the longer you leave it on your hair. So if you're buying a flat iron without a heat setting, most likely it gets really hot, so just be careful, and use quick strokes down your hair.

 -Posted by Ashley

P.S. Stay tuned for an ADORABLE GIVEAWAY by Jourdan later this week!!!

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